Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions. If you would like to ask us anything further, please contact us on 01279 503250 or email

How is it sold?
By the metre (3 strips per metre).

How high are the spikes?
100mm high.

What is the coverage?
Depth coverage of 90mm.

Can you break strips into smaller pieces?
Each strip has 8 snap off grooves making it easy to break down to 35mm pieces.

Will they hurt the birds?
The spikes have rounded tops and will not harm the birds.

Is it easy to fit?
Yes it is very easy to fit. There are 8 holes on each strip. Stick on with a neutral silicone adhesive or screw on using holes provided. The double sided taped version is particularly easy to fix just peel off the backing and stick it straight on to a clean level surface -: ideal for pipes, signs, light fittings, security cameras.

Can you stick taped version to concrete and wood?
No, it will not stick to concrete or wood. You can stick the un-taped version to concrete using a neutral silicone adhesive or screw it on using screw holes. Wood fixing - it must be screwed on as adhesive does not stick well to wood.

Is the tape weather proof?
Yes the tape is high strength, all weather, long lasting adhesive tape.

Is it resistant to heat?
Yes it will resist high temperatures.

Do you do installations?
Yes we have a nationwide installation service.

Do you sell other products?
Yes we supply gull spikes and pigeon netting and components for post and wire systems. |